When we do a dataframe.show() , it does now show full column content. It shows only 20 records which is the default number of rows […]
Spark Difference between Cache and Persist
If we are using an RDD multiple number of times in our program, the RDD will be recomputed everytime. This is a performance issue. To […]
Spark – Difference between Coalesce and Repartition in Spark
Before we understand the difference between Coalesce and Repartition we first need to understand what Spark Partition is.Simply put Partitioning data means to divide the […]
Hive Table Creation
In Previous chapter we learned about HIVE DATA TYPES and today lets check out HIVE TABLE CREATION. In HIVE there are two kinds of tables , […]
Spark – Create Dataframe From List
One can create dataframe from List or Seq using the toDF() functions. To use toDF() we need to import spark.implicits._ Here the column names are […]